Page 2 - For Attaching Final Edit A3 Vol. 4 Issue 1 | July 2019
P. 2

Your Advice Team                                         Your Engagement Team

     Neil  Gray  joins  the  Housing  Information,  Advice  and  Left  to  right:-  Elspeth  Lloyd,  Janet  Macalister,  Gavin
     Advocacy Team  alongside Jill McNaught, Leica Malkin     Kennedy,  Fallon  Heggie,  Amy  Wallace,  and  Suzie
     and Suzanne Slavin                                       McIlloney.

     First Home - Care Experienced Young People Pilot

     The Centre secured funding for 1 year to deliver a First Home Care Experienced Pilot
     which was launched on 1st November 2018.

     The  Centre  is  committed  to  developing  innovative  ways  to  provide  information  on
     housing, housing options, realities of moving out, costs involved and future aspirations
     to enable best possible outcomes, chances and opportunities to our Young People.

     We are working with Partners and Young People to develop the Pilot and below is
     feedback on the service so far:

     “My overall experience with First Home has been brilliant, they’ve helped me with so
     much. I wouldn’t be where I am now without them.”
                                                                                       Care Experienced Team: -
     “The  service  provided  in  the  pilot  has  been  invaluable  to  care  experienced  young  Suzie  Mcilloney,    Engagement  Services
     people and provides much needed support that other agencies cannot provide.  The  Manager and Gavin Kennedy,  First Home
     information and advice given allows the young person to gain a better understanding
     of what is involved/required when they gain their own tenancy.  This preparation will
     help them to move into a tenancy and to sustain it.”

     Universal Credit & Welfare Reform

     February 2019 marked the 12 month anniversary of full service roll out of Universal Credit in South Ayrshire.

     There have been significant changes to the single benefit since it’s inception and more changes were announced in
     the Autumn budget due to be implemented 2019-2020.

        December 2018 - Housing Costs for 18-21 year olds reinstated
        January 2019 - No new claims for UC from those in receipt of a severe disability premium  until further notice
        February 2019 - Restrictions preventing those with 3 or more children claiming UC lifted from
        The 2 child limit for children born before April 2017 was withdrawn.
        April 2019 - Universal Credit Work Allowances increased by £1000 year for those with children or with limited
        capability for work.
        May 2019 - mixed age couples no longer able to make a new claim for Pension Credit and must instead claim
        Universal Credit.
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