Page 6 - 2019-20 Annual Summary Report
P. 6

Tenure Sustainment            This Service is provided to those who are in crisis and
                                     high  risk  of  homelessness  due  to  rent  arrears.  The
                                     main referral source is South Ayrshire Council.

                                                                       Care Inspectorate Report
     Outcome of cases with crisis intervention
     for rent arrears and homeless prevention:

                      New Cases Opened                                    Quality of Care and Support
         36                                                                    Grade 6 (Excellent)
                                                                     Quality of Management and Leadership
                                                                               Grade 6 (Excellent)

                   Homelessness Prevented/
                         Tenure Stablised

                       Reduced Arrears &
                    Affordability Improved

        In this academic year 750 pupils took part in HEY. Since 2012 we have                   HEY
        delivered to 6450 pupils across South Ayrshire. Luckily our HEY lessons
          were  unaffected  by  COVID-19  as  they  had  been  fully  completed  by
         March 2020.

                                                                                         Pupil Comments

                                                                                         “Good to know how
                                                                                        much things will cost
                                                                                         living on your own”

                                                                                          “Very informative,
                                                   Teacher Comments                     interesting and fun.”

                                                     “All young people at               “Absolutely brilliant, a
                                                  this stage need this input”               very enjoyable
                                                   "Students very engaged                Would recommend
                                                   throughout the lessons.                   to everyone”
                                                 Enjoyable and informative.
                                                         Thank you”

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