This year, One Parent Families Scotland is determined to make sure everybody knows about this chance to show appreciation for the single parents in our lives and for single parents to celebrate their own strengths and triumphs, however big or small.
They would love your help in spreading the word and sharing the message that single parents are valued and invaluable.
Single parent families make up 25% of all families in Scotland. Most of us will know at least one single parent, but sadly we hear from single parents that stigma and judgemental attitudes around single parent families is still an issue.
This is why we’re excited to use Single Parents Day 2022 as a chance to turn that message around and tell people about the amazing achievements that single parents accomplish for themselves and their families every day. We want to make this bigger than ever by celebrating for a week instead of just 1 day.
- See the Single Parents Day website to follow events throughout the UK. Single Parents Week 2022 – One Parent Families Scotland (
We know that single parents still face many challenges, but we can start to change this by building a society that values them equally and appreciates the hard work and love they provide.
On Monday 21st March we will focus on celebrating single parents and a reminder of why we always #StandWithSingleParents in our work at OPFS.